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Photos by Magen Davis Photography
I wanted to share a personal recap of my highs and lows from 2019, what I aim to achieve and focus on in 2020, and YOUR resolutions and goals for 2020 to spark ideas among the mamas and women in our community!
As I sat down to work on my goals and this post (with oat milk latte AND water nearby of course!), I found myself feeling overwhelmed. I wanted to have time to finish going through all the stats from MLWL last year (we are about 3/4 of the way through), I wanted to be able to read all your reader survey results…it’s open through the end of the week so PLEASE FILL IT OUT HERE if you haven’t…but I also wanted to clean my desk, bathroom and bedroom so I’d feel less stressed about not having cleared out things after Christmas. EEK!
So, here I am doing the best I can because I set this deadline for myself to have this post ready. I’m going to view it as a launching pad to help me continue to sort through and organize my thoughts, reflecting on 2019 and figuring out what small steps I need to implement to help these larger goals come to life.
If you read my New Year’s goal setting post last year, you know my word of the year was MARGIN. I don’t have my word of the year overall but in my business the word of the year is going to be SYSTEMS. I want to implement more systems that allow for less chaos and more organization.
About half-way through the year last year, God kept bringing the word LIFE GIVING to me. I want to keep digging into what it means to produce and share content that is life-giving to you guys. I want to SERVE you well and love on you as a community that God has entrusted to me.
I take that job and passion VERY seriously. As I’m digging into your survey results, know that I desire to learn and hear your heart, mamas, to see how God can use me most to serve you right where you are in 2020. With all that said, let’s dive into my new year’s resolutions and your new year’s resolutions. Even though I don’t love that term… I like GOALS!
New Year’s Resolutions For Moms: MY 2020 GOALS
Business Goals:
- Launch a MLWL product. I have things I’m kicking around but let me know if y’all want anything specific…the more details you can give, the better!
- Do at least 2 MLWL community events a year. One being a closet sale? Would that interest y’all?
- Create one day a month in my calendar that I sit down and review goals/check in with progress and dream. WHITE SPACE.
- Create MARGIN in my daily schedule, I’m SO bad at this!
- Hire at least 2 new people to help me with the business and free up more time for me to be intentional with my family.
- Find a business mentor, coach or strategist local to Birmingham. I’m specifically looking to improve my email strategy and would love to bring on this new role. Do you know anyone?
Personal Goals:
- Get back in the habit of having once a week or at least every other week date nights with Eric without another couple. We love group dates but it’s so important to schedule time just us two as well.
- Spend more intentional time with Leyton and Finn and less time looking at my screen. (Implement boundaries for when phone should be on do not disturb, create more systems that allow for less interruption from work during times when I’m with them.)
- Get new shelves installed in my office, clean off my desk, and implement a package intake process that creates less chaos and clutter in our home.
- Organize and file through Leyton’s artwork and activities so I can easily access and have them.
- Pour into a women’s Bible study group. I’ve craved this for so long and am excited to continue our group from an Advent Bible Study.
- Get below 20% in my body fat percentage through focus meetings and check in’s at Burn and with FWTFL.
- This is so random but I want to be able to check off doing a kick split.
- Stay in the habit of writing at least once a week whether it be journaling, different drafts, or writing out my prayers.
Reviewing 2019 HIGHS:
1. Being featured on a few podcasts I LOVE sharing Finn and Leyton’s birth stories, the story of how my Instagram account got hacked, and my chat with The Nashville Mom.
2. Donated over 800 blankets to children in the foster care system in Birmingham and Jefferson counties!
3. Hit 100K on Instagram – wow! A huge THANK YOU to y’all!
4. Partnered with Make-A-Wish Alabama for the Telethon to grant wishes to local kids. I cannot wait to see what all 2020 has in store for Make-A-Wish Alabama!
5. Completed my very first round of FASTer Way To Fat Loss in April which catapulted a huge lifestyle change for me! My body is completely different this year because of this program and what counting macros, attending Burn Bootcamp, and intermittent fasting has done for me.
6. Finn turned ONE and we celebrated his first year of life! What a joy it has been! I also ended my breastfeeding journey after nursing Finn 13 months.
7. Celebrated 11 YEARS of marriage with my hubs! Love our couples trips! We try to do one trip a year If possible that’s just us two.
8. Leyton turned 4 and I just can’t believe what a great brother he is! I love watching him and Finn’s relationship develop this year. I also can’t believe he’ll start going to pre-school 5 days a week next year. *Cue all the tears*
9. Baby Cal arriving! I’m so excited to be his aunt and that I got to help host my sister’s baby shower this year! So fun to watch Leyton and Finn see him and light up or be so intrigued.
10. Travel – family trips, work trips, etc. I went to Dallas twice this year for work, Eric and I stole away to Pursell Farms one weekend, Colorado for a long weekend (my first time skiing) and also took a beach trip to 30A with our friends the McGarrahs. We went to Tampa and DC to visit family.
Reviewing 2019 LOWS:
1. Instagram Hack – I lost @mylifewellloved for about a week and I didn’t know if I’d recover a HUGE part of my business. The Lord remained evident through every step of the way and I kept sensing it was part of a bigger picture.
2. My word for 2019 was margin and in my quest to achieve more margin in my life, that meant stepping down from things I love to make more space for me, for time with the boys, for time with family. My journey teaching Pure Barre came to a close but will forever be a huge part of my life and fitness story!
3. So much sickness with the flu in the middle of the summer, sinus infections, upper respiratory infections, ear infections, stomach bugs, hand foot mouth, and more. There was a 8 week period where someone in the Brown house was sick and that was the worst!
4. We experienced illness and deaths in our extended family that has been hard to walk through and further makes me believe if you have your health on this earth, you have everything! In 2020, I want to soak in all the moments with loved ones!
New Year’s Resolutions For Moms: YOUR 2020 GOALS
- Read 15 minutes everyday. @_.ashleyhoglund
- Live happily. @kellyanne_00
- Lose weight, get healthy, and be more intentional in reading and studying God’s word. @steph.mcelmurray1
- Be in the word EVERY day!! @ellakassing
- Grow with God and get a new job. @dlizziebeth
- Inspire. @mistyleigh_merz
- Run a 5k a month! Or at least equal 12 by the new year! @maggiepyoung
- Improve self-love & self-care. @brooke_dlynn
- Live and love more because 2019 was pretty great! @ninacooksalot
- Read more, more, more, and be present more! @camillepontvianne
- Get healthy. @rhondab_7
- Be a more present mom. @bethanylynette
- Practice patience with the kiddos. @fit_mom_determined
- Chase after my dreams and push past fear! @michelleann072
- Not sweat the small things! @chelseatware
- Run a marathon. @sarahherring13
- Lose 20 and get organized! @paulapyt
- Get my body back in shape post baby 4. @marisa0718
- Run a 10k and 1/2 marathon at Disney. @whitneyd_gay
- Grow my blog, Boston Marathon qualify, and move to a full time position. @almostneverready
- Spend more time with my girlfriends. @m0niiiique_
- Travel. @marshmellow.n.gummies
- Get to a better place in all things – be a better Christian, wife, mom, employee, friend, family member. @mssam0305
- Focus on health, family, and grow our financial nest egg. @amhendrix2004
- To become more organized! @christwithnana
- Stay close to Jesus cause he’s pulling me in as it gets bad in this world. @steph.mcelmurray1
- Drink more water. @sjleth
- Get rid of credit card and car payment debt. Also go on a small/cheap vacation. @kaylafulkerson
- Exercise more, and experience new things more. @joneswiebe
- Do more things for fun. @lonestarfitfemalefitness
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