Keep scrolling to see a letter to my son on his 7th birthday below!
A Letter To My Son On His 7th Birthday:
Dear Leyton,
This year was the year of outdoor adventures, frog hunts and lizard catches! Your daddy and I love how you are constantly outside either playing with the neighbors, jumping on the trampoline or catching many a small creature and making it a habitat. You have such a wonder at all wildlife and you constantly say, “AWW” at cats, dogs, and marvel and how tiny frogs are “so cute.”

We have gone on countless frog hunts this summer and you catch them with ease. We will sometimes come home with a bucket of 15-30 frogs! You do it with ease while Finn and I shine our flash lights and watch in wonder as you stealthily and calmly grab them, never flinching when they pee on you! HA!

You are fun to explore with, super observant and noticing the smallest of ants, blackberries to pick and honeysuckle with Finn. I try to not get impatient on our walks and take in all the joy you find in God’s creation but wow, sometimes the 50th stop in a mile to look at a BUG! WORM! DANDELION! is something! 🙂

You have REALLY taken off with swimming this year. We started lessons at Goldfish Swimming and you’ve already advanced two levels! Even your daddy, the city record holder in swim team in Fort Wayne, IN is impressed with your potential with the backstroke he tells me. We have loved watching you grow in confidence this year!

Your Daddy and you did a new league of soccer this year and I loved watching him coach you and your skills and love for soccer grow. You just played your first match this Saturday and scored a goal and tried out playing goalie for the first time! I’m excited to watch how you progress in your Daddy’s footsteps with your love for swimming, golf and soccer.

You are OBSESSED with your Daddy and you guys are SO much alike! You were old enough this summer to do some of your first day camps so you tried Samford’s basketball camp with Jude and loved it and did golf camp with Micah, Caleb, Jett & Shepherd.

I love how you’ve instituted “you’re the best!” as a common phrase we hear in our household. You started saying it to us at bedtime and it’s now become almost as much of a filler for you and Finn when you don’t know what to say as I love you was last year. We hear “You’re the best!” no less than 10x echoing back and forth between you and Finn every night at bedtime to us and each other through your doors. It’s super cute and always nice to hear. 😉

Also every night at bedtime, you must almost systematically give me a kiss a hug a butterfly kiss and sing Jesus Loves Me + The Doxology. I’ll miss our butterfly kisses one day when you don’t want to dole them out!

This year we explored going to games with you like the USFL game with the Johnseys, Birmingham Bulls games and Legion games. You and Finn seem to really enjoy it and I’m not sure if it’s because of the treats or the games but either way, it’s fun to watch y’all take it all in!

This year you lost your first tooth and then quickly a second and third one! You love riding your scooter, playing tag and hide and seek, and hitting golf balls. You’ve also picked up Candyland, Uno, and are getting into Legos!

You got Freckles, the leopard gecko last year for your birthday and I’m still not sure how you wrangled that out of your Daddy and yet we still haven’t gotten a dog. You like to get him out of his cage and have him go around on your fire truck, the bat mobile, and all over you while you watch your favorite movies: “the snake movie” that’s Australian or Monsters, Inc.

You are our little explorer, you requested for our last day of summer that we go hiking at Red Mountain and you love throwing rocks in the water at any park or hike we go on. You have also gotten very into s’mores and “camped out” in the backyard with Daddy this summer. We did our first garden this summer and you helped me water and grow peppers and cucumbers this year. You love going to Tampa to visit Didi and Big Curt & Aunt Janelle and Uncle David, Mackey House, aka Waffle House brunches with Mama Mackey and GrandMackey and spend the night parties with Baby Cal & aunt Holly & Uncle Andrew.

We love you Leyton so very much! You are growing in confidence in your skills, who you are, and really seeming to click in school and studying Bible verses this year too. We are incredibly proud to be watching you bloom and can’t wait to see what the next year holds.
You’re the best! Butterfly kisses and all my love,

Favorite Phrases & Things From This Year:
- “What’s UP” throwing up the peace signs for pics
- Loves to be outside all the time
- Obsessed with Daddy
- Getting more confident & excelling in swim lessons
- frog lizard & bat hunts
- the griddy dance
- golf lessons
- pirate ship
- you’re the best
- still occasionally building Finn traps in the back yard
Leyton’s Stats:
- Height: 47in
- Weight: 45lbs
See More Of Leyton’s Updates Here:
- Leyton is 6 Years Old
- Leyton is 5 Years Old
- Leyton Is 4 Years Old
- Leyton is 3 Years Old
- Leyton’s 2-Year-Old Letter
- 18 Month Old Letter
- Leyton is ONE
- Leyton Samuel
- Leyton’s Birth Story
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