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As you know, Leyton just started kindergarten and Finn just started preschool this week. This mama’s heart is STRUGGLING, y’all. Where is the time going?!
Our routines are about to change drastically, but the one thing that I know will help keep me sane is if we meal plan. Y’all know I harp on the benefits of meal planning but it’s just such a game-changer as a busy mom! Not having to think about dinner last minute is SUPER helpful with how scatter-brained I am. You can check out my Meal Planning For The Busy Mom eBook here and get all of the tips and tricks for the new school year!
Back To School Snacks For Everyone!
We all know that back to school season is in full swing, which means the fun newness of school is starting to wear off on our kiddos. They aren’t as excited to get out of bed in the mornings, they’re a little slower to get dressed, and they might be starting to get tired of the same lunches every week. It’s getting to that time of year where we might need to bring in some reinforcements…ha! I recently got my boys to try some yummy snacks from Grab the Gold and they LOVED it! I don’t know about you, but we love no-bake cookies around here. When I found out that Grab the Gold has a snack bar that tastes like them, I was so intrigued. These are perfect to throw in the lunchbox to give your kiddos a sweet surprise! The best part is, they don’t even know their snack is packed with protein – which I consider a win!

With clean ingredients, I feel confident when feeding my kids Grab the Gold because I know the treats are packed full of whole grains, protein and fiber, which are all hard to get kids to eat, much less enjoy. We also know that with our kids being in school for a few weeks now, they’re starting to bring home some unwanted germs, coughs and sniffles. I try and do everything that I can to make sure Leyton and Finn are protected from getting sick, but at the end of the day, I know that there’s not much I can do other than help build them a strong immune system! We try to feed our boys all the good fruits, veggies and proteins that keep them healthy and strong, but sometimes we need some help. I love that Grab the Gold has an Immune Elderberry Gummy! It’s full of Vitamin C and Zinc and supports our kids little immune systems – whoop whoop! Get your Grab the Gold goodies HERE!
My Go-To Easy Kid’s School Lunch Ideas
Today, I thought I would share some EASY kid’s school lunch ideas. It can be SO challenging to pack lunches, especially when you have picky eaters on your hands! Hopefully, these ideas will give you a good start to the school year.

If you haven’t heard, I just launched a Healthy Eating: Kids Edition eBook! It’s FULL of ideas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for your picky eaters.

5 Easy Kids School Lunch Ideas For Picky Eaters

#1 Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich // We cut ours into shapes to make them more fun! I’m linking the tools I use to do that below.

#2 Turkey Pinwheels // My kids will eat these in some way shape or form…Leyton likes to dissassemble his and Finn eats it in one giant bite! Well, unless he’s being a sassy three year old. Turkey pinwheels are so easy. Just add turkey and cheese to a tortilla and roll it up tightly and then cut! I cut them into bite-size pieces so they’re easier to eat.

#3 Hard Boiled Eggs // These are a great source of protein and easy to make the night before to pack in lunches. Add some lunch meat for some extra protein and use my “Pick 4” method from my eBook for Back to School and you’ve got a solid nutrients-packed lunch!

#4 Green Apple And Spinach Salad // This one is perfect for teen girls bringing lunch to high school! This is a quick and easy lunch that only takes minutes to prepare but is delicious and healthy.

#5 Meat And Cheese “Charcuterie” Plate // Charcuterie boards have become super popular for parties lately! However, kids love them too! Think of it as a “Homemade Lunchable” that you can tailor make to the foods your littles love.

Check Out More Healthy Mom Hacks Here
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