SHOP Finn’s 11 Month Old Baby Update Photos: Walmart Dinosaur Onesie Outfit (similar outfit HERE and HERE)
11 Month Old Baby Update Photos by Eric and Jamie Photo
Today’s blog post is sponsored by Walmart. As always, all opinions are my own.
How are we on our last monthly update before Finn TURNS ONE?! ? As we near Finn’s birthday, I want to share how we are all doing at 11 months, 10 of Finn’s FAVORITE products he (aka we) uses on repeat, and his latest update on stats before he turns one!
My sister is in the stage of choosing her registry items and it is so fun being able to share with her what I would add, what I would pass on, and what you might not think of pre-baby that we LOVE having on hand 11 months in. With Walmart’s new baby registry, it is easier than ever to build your personalized registry and add the best products on the market.
Walmart not only has the fun toys but also everyday essentials like safety and functionality items – strollers, carseats, etc! The design and style of their clothing (like Finn’s Dino outfit) and nursery decor is so cute and now it is easy and quick to add to your registry and manage your list.
A Letter To Finn From Mommy At 11 Months Old
Dear Finny,
You are KILLING me in this outfit! HA! The hood is just too much. And then how you wouldn’t smile because you had just woken up from your nap and were so inquisitive about the camera. You are making some serious “Finn Faces” in these pics. What are we gonna do with you, you little baby stinker?!
How is it possible that you are turning 1 in a few short weeks? I am just so enamored with watching you eat and process and do ALL the things right now. It is so cute to watch you wiggle your feet in your Bumbo. To see you grab food by the fist full or keep practicing your pincer grip makes me so proud!
I love how you pull up on everything right now, including my legs. You love to crawl up to me and climb up my leg to let me know you do indeed want to be held and not be on the ground. But, you are VERY often wanting the opposite and are SO wiggly when I’m holding you. You are always wanting to be down and exploring everything, putting anything you can find in your mouth, and trying to pull the curtains down. Bless it.
I love how when we come in your room now, you are standing up in your sleep sack staring at us waiting for us to let you out. Your little smile when you see us and get excited to see us is one of the best feelings in the world.
Your daddy gives me a hard time because you’ll be perfectly content in the living room but then you see me walk by and start fussing because I’m not over there hanging out with you guys and/or holding you.
You have 4 teeth on the upper and 2 on the lower, wow! You’ve really been breaking them through in the past month or so which probably explains why we’ve heard you fussing in the night some.
We went to D.C. this month to visit your Uncle Kyle, Aunt Aron, Eli & Ava with Aunt Janelle, Big Curt, and DeDe. You were living your best life in their pool and were a champ on the plane rides. You slept most the way both ways!
It makes me so emotional to think about you turning one, the end of breastfeeding, and just all the emotions of having you no longer be a newborn. You are so stinking cute, have the best disposition, and love hard on the people who you love and trust. We can’t believe you are just as chill of a baby as Leyton was. Here’s hoping you really grow to love hard and become your own unique little self, baby boy. You are SO special to us. It warms my heart so very much to see Leyton want to hug you or “match you” or do things together. We hope you two will always be the best of friends.
You are PRECIOUS, little boy! We adore you and your rolly self so very much. I just want to soak in every little bit of you right now!
XOXO and so much love,
10 Items I Registered For & Still LOVE After 11 Months
Fisher Price Pull Up and Stand Play Activity Center (currently out of stock, but HERE is a similar option that is fully stocked)
Rooster Sound Machine & Conair Sound Machine
Skip Hop Jumper (A few similar options that look great too: Fisher Price Tiger Jumper & Fisher Price Animal Jumper)
Finn’s 11 Month Old Baby Update Stats
Sleep: He has had quite a few middle of the night cries due to so many teeth coming in and us traveling to D.C. but luckily most crying sessions don’t last too long.
Eating: Holy smokes, you LOVE to eat! Like a lot! You are constantly smacking your hands together or on the table demanding “MORE.” Still breastfeeding 3-4 times per day but I only nurse you in the am and pm – we are working through our freezer breast milk stash during the day.
Strength: You are working on pulling up, transferring from the couch to the coffee table, and crawling with lightning speed. You are getting into everything, little boy.
Loves: Fisher-Price Activity Center, being up in your high chair so you can see us at eye level in the kitchen, being held when you want to be, eating, interacting with Leyton, splashing in the bath tub, holding onto the coffee table.
Clothes: 9-12 months, 12 months.
Weight: Not sure exactly… I think around 21 lbs?
Diapers: Size 4.
Nicknames: Still singing Baaaaaby Finn to you, Phineas, Finny Finnster, The Finnster, Baby Finn, Finn Finn, Baby, Baby Buddy.
Read Finn’s Other Baby Update Posts:

So sweet! My friend Chelsea has been following you forever & recommended you to me and I’m so glad I got around to checking you out! I’m an Alabama mom too, of Charlie who will be 11 months old on the 13th of this month. It’s such a fun age for sure.
I’m so excited to find another mom with a little guy so close in age to Charlie & look forward to checking out more of your content!
xoxo, Jordyn
Aww you’re so sweet, Jordyn! Welcome!! So glad you are here. <3