Shop the 9 Month Old Update Photos: Carter’s WHALE Outfit – see all their similar WHALE items here – PS Carter’s is having a HUGE SALE so check it out here! // Sunglasses // Whale Toy
Dear Baby Finn,
This month your age is hitting me hard. There’s something about you being out of my belly as long as you were in it that really strikes a chord with me. (Read my 9 months postpartum thoughts here.) It blows my mind that this month it was so hard to get a picture of you being still. I finally gave up on getting a picture of you like in previous months where you were laying down because every time I set you up by your props, you just quickly rolled over and or grabbed your month milestone blocks and promptly put them in your mouth. The struggle was real baby boy…
You turned 9 months while we were down in Tampa visiting DeDe, Big Curt, and Aunt Janelle. Luckily, you were pretty happy go lucky about your first time getting in the ocean. I held you as we walked out to the water and you made a few nervous noises. Hmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm you’d muse as you anxiously tried to figure it out. But the longer we were out there, the more you just heavily sat on my hip. 😉 The water is very helpful for your little chunky self, baby shark Finn!
It seems like in the past 2 or so weeks you’ve become extra smitten with your big brother. You are always staring towards your door waiting for him to come in when I’m changing your diaper on the changing table or much to my chagrin being distracted by his noises when I’m trying to feed you. It’s so adorable to watch the way you adore him. He thinks it’s really cool to help with your bath time or feed you, but he’s not too keen on sharing his toys or really even yours with you. Eek. Slightly nervous about that in the coming months only getting worse…
We were all taking bets on whether you’d start crawling in Tampa and although you are RIGHT THERE, it’s just not quite happening yet. You’ll pop up on your hands and knees and start hollering at us in frustration that you can’t quite get there. Then you flop down on your belly and start moving backwards and then get even more frustrated. I have a feeling you will crawl within the next month and then probably take off walking, lol.
I’m noticing this month that when you reach to grab for something you can usually get it on the first try like my necklace when you’re nursing… or worse my hair. 🙂 You can also grab food and EVERYTHING in your destructive path. You are for sure in the grabbing phase and it’s only a matter of time before you break something. You’re already rolling over to the curtains and I have to yell NO to you to make you not rip them down. Baby-proofing again is right around the corner!
You still LOVE bath time and having water poured over that big belly. I have so many videos and pictures of you staring wonderously at the glorious waterfall that pours down on you. You seem much more like a bigger baby this month than a bitty baby. It makes me a little sad and a LOT excited because I LOVE this stage of babyhood. You get so fun and interactive and I soak up our mommy/baby time in the afternoons while brother is sleeping and time with him while you take your morning nap. I am a blessed mommy for sure.
Your daddy and I adore you so much, little one. Can’t wait to see you grow in your relationship with Leyton and us even more. You are my little kickin’ chicken. <3
Finn’s 9 Month Old Baby Sleep Schedule:
9 Month Old Favorite Activities + Toys:
Your Favorite Toys + Activities for Your 9-10 Month Olds:
- Pull toys @vixrok
- The leap frog musical activity table. Baby is almost 10m and starting to pull up on it! @kaitlinabarber
- A real remote without batteries, and an old cell without a battery @krugerjillian
- 3 in 1 around we go activity center! My son LOVED it! @amberkisses123
- Macie LOVES little people. As for my fave things for her: currently it’s a good sun hat and sun screen!
- Cullen likes anything with wheels, plastic water bottles, plastic leftover containers @sarah.jewell.harper
- Scout! By leap frog @a_beritriley
Baby Finn’s 9 Month Old Update on Milestones:
- You eat every 4 hours. You have gotten pickier about baby food and now want to eat more solids like chips, crackers, apples, blueberries, peppers, and anything else you can get your hands on. You always make a crazy face at first but will usually try anything before spitting it out if you don’t approve.We just introduced a sippy cup this month.
- Sleep: Moms on Call loosely followed still – more of your schedule is above. You are going to bed around when your brother does now, just a tad after around 8/8:30 usually.
- Eating: Every 4 hours except for night time– still BF’ing
- Strength: You are SO strong and BIG! Your little grip on my hair/earrings or a spoon is NOT to be reckoned with.
- Loves: Bath time, chattering, being thrown in the air or dancing in the mirror and Skiphop jumper, playing with your feet, grabbing for everything, Mommy tickling you, eating, ha!
- Clothes: 6-12 months and 9 months
- Weight: I’d guesstimate 25 lbs. We’ll find out at your 9 month check up soon!
- Diapers: Size 4
Read Finn’s Other Baby Milestone Posts: