Shop my workout gear at the links below and if you are a new mom looking for more arch support insoles in your shoes as you journey on your quest for a healthier lifestyle during this postpartum season, I have the best find for you here!
As a new mom, it can be difficult to get in your workout each day. Getting back into a fitness routine after having a baby can be intimidating. And even when your littles become a little older, squeezing in a daily workout presents a whole new set of challenges.
I know how intimidating it is to do those first workouts after having a baby, and to get back into a fitness routine ESPECIALLY after having a 4th degree tear…YIKES! It was actually SCARY as crap if I’m being honest. It’s important to remember the FIRST step is the hardest… just showing up for yourself to hit play on that workout video or going to the gym makes all the difference.
I’d love to hold your hand each step of the way as you navigate your postpartum days. Click here for my 14 Days & 14 Ways To Love Your Body Challenge where we will talk all about body positivity and how to truly take CARE of your body! That is TRULY the best place where I can show up for you day after day and email you encouragement and daily steps to get back to feeling like YOU. It’s a FREE 2 week challenge, so make sure you sign up!

Photos by Mary Kate Steele
I put this core workout together with my sweet friend, Laura from Walking in Memphis in High Heels when she came in town to visit me a few months ago. We asked y’all what kind of workout you wanted and you specifically requested a core workout! You can catch her postpartum modifications to our ab moves HERE! Her sweet baby was only 3 months old when we shot this! I remember my first Pure Barre class after recovering from having a baby – let’s just say, it kicked my “seat”, ha! Some of you may know that I struggled with postpartum depression, and working out was one thing that helped me feel more like myself again.

This is a great simple workout you can do at home a few times a week to shape up your core with some of my favorite core and barre based ab exercises! I also love to fake it till I make it with a good tan postpartum before a big beach trip and now…I got this pretty organic tan from my friends at THE GLOW APP! If you book with them for hair, makeup or a spray tan, make sure to use my code to get a discount on your service!
The 6 Week Program That Helped Me Lose Baby Weight
If you workout regularly but are still hoping to see more results, I highly recommend giving FASTer Way To Fat Loss a try. This is the weight loss program that I started postpartum after I had Finn, and I’ve been following it ever since. This program is sustainable and teaches you how to fuel your body with exactly what it needs. In fact, I don’t even like the title FASTer Way to Fat Loss because for me it’s not about weight loss anymore, it’s about a sustainable healthy lifestyle where I keep learning more and more about how to fuel my body correctly. I lost ALL my baby weight PLUS some thanks to this 6 week program, working out consistently and showing up with accountability each day!

One of the ways I feel more confident is with a really good quality tan! I love to use The Glow App because it’s convenient and the results are always amazing! Use code: HEATHER15 for 15% off!
Core Workout For The New Mom:

- 30 2:1 Bicycle Crunches
- 15 each side Side Plank
- 10 Dragonflies
- 10 2:1 Knee Drive with Kick Back
Complete 3 rounds with minimal rest between each round & modify as needed! For reference, you can see the workout moves via video below or in the pictures above!
You can catch watch the workout on Instagram HERE!
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