SHOP The Daily Devotionals For Moms And Kids Post HERE: 1. Embraced // 2. 100 Days to Brave // 3. Strong // 4. New Morning Mercies // 5. Be Still // 6. Candace Cameron Devotional Bible // 7. She Smiles Without Fear // 8. Risen Motherhood // 9. Indescribable // 10. Creative God Colorful Us // 11. How Great Is Our God // 12. 99 Stories From The Bible // 13. The Jesus Storybook Bible // 14. The Garden, The Curtain and The Cross // 15. The Beginner’s Bible // 16. 365 Bible and Prayers
As a mom, one of the best ways that I can spend quality time with my boys is reading with them. Not only does it encourage a love of reading from a young age, but it is such a sweet bonding experience. Especially once they begin to recognize shapes, colors, pictures and words. We love talking through “What’s that?” 4,000 times per page with Finn and hearing tons of distracted 5 year old stories and questions from Leyton, but ultimately we know that spending those short times with them in God’s Word and reading in general is super beneficial for them AND us!

We love to take reading together one step further in our family and incorporate devotionals. You guys always love hearing more about what we are reading with Leyton and FInn and what devos I am currently loving!

The Garden, The Curtain and The Cross // Embraced // New Morning Mercies // Indescribable
Today I’m rounding up the best daily devotionals for moms and kids. Don’t forget to set aside time to have your own devotional, mama, even if it’s only ten minutes. It will be time well spent. When I’m able to, I always try to spend time in the word each morning, it truly gets my day starting off on the right foot and helps me have a better attitude throughout the day.
If I’m being honest, I have to tell you that usually my devotional looks like reciting Scripture or Biblical daily affirmations with the boys in the car or listening to some of the free devotional apps (listed below) while I’m driving from preschool pick up to Burn Bootcamp! Not every day can be a perfectly laid out prayer journal, markers and a cup of coffee, though I certainly wish it could be!

Some of My Favorite Resources for Getting Started:
- Church Home – I love this free app because it allows you to listen to the devos if you don’t have time to read! I listen to this on the way to Burn with Finn, and even if it gets interrupted with him hollering “truck!” 🙂 At least I am filling my mind with God’s Word.
- First Five – I love this Daily Bible Study App!
- Glorify App – A daily worship app, with bite-size encouraging devotionals you can also LISTEN to in the car.
- Worship Playlist – Find mine HERE! Perfect for those mornings (you know the kind) when your heart needs encouragement!
- New Morning Mercies
- Kids – Jesus Storybook Bible – Including your children in your faith is so important, but it can seem overwhelming sometimes. These resources are a simple way to start with your littles. You can also try to incorporate singing and praying with them! They pick up on so much!
I’m also going to share YOUR favorite Bible studies below, don’t miss ’em! If it’s easier for you to shop them down below in the widget via photos, you can find them there too!
YOUR Favorite Devotionals For Moms And Kids:
- Daniel – Beth Moore
- Get Out Of Your Head – Jeannie Allen
- One Year Bible
- Bible Study Fellowship – its a study done worldwide
- Mom Set Free
- We are on Proverbs. Every saturday we have fellowship for our office (3 of us)
- Alyssa Bethke’s Studies
- Seamless
- The Armor Of God by Pricilla Shirer
- Paul David Tripp’s Faith: What Are You Hoping For Study. In it now and it’s so good!
- Lysa Terkeurst Studies
- Beth Moore’s Studies
- New Morning Mercies
- Embraced
- More Than Anything by Daily Grace Co.
- Jonah by Pricilla Shirer
- Uninvited Lysa Terkeurst
- YouVersion App – do alone or w/ friends. My girls group is doing it this month and love!
- Heaven by David Jeremiah, hands down awesome!
- Currently doing a study on the book of Kings
- Trustworthy by Lysa Terkeurst
- Jesus And Women by Kristi Mclelland. It’s fantastic. Learned so much!
- The Bible Recap Podcast and Bible Reading Plan
- Bible In One Year w/ Nicky Gumbel – that one is on the Bible app
- This: https://getyourloveon.org
- Currently going through Truthfilled by Ruth Chou Simons. So sooooo good!
- Better by Jen Wilkins
- “Loved the lifeway advent one you shared” @hmackeybrown
- “Anything by Jen Wilkin!” @rfgoetz
- “Seamless! Amazing recap of the bible in chronological order. Angie Smith.” @marth_claire
- “Mrs Betterhalf” @itschristianhagler
- “Max Lucado” @bravo3344
- “Priscilla Shirer Elijah study” @hjoyspig
- “Bible recap” @jdubgeorge
- “Anything from Precept.org!!” @mrsjbear
- “Winning in the war of your mind. I’ll send a picture.” @mssam0305
- “The Well Watered Woman (all about being a Proverbs 31 woman!)” @stefanieh07
- “Forgiving what you can’t forget by Lysa TerKeurst” @tinna_kettner
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