Kyte Onesie // Bannor Milestone Blocks // Bannor Toy Penguin // White Rug // Baby skin ointment that you all ask about for eczema/baby acne/ diaper rash all the time 😉
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Dear Baby Finn,
This is such a second child prob….Leyton has misplaced the #5 block apparently so instead you get a Bannor Toys penguin with the #5 written on it, LOL! You also got my foot in almost every picture that I took so I’ve had to work quite the cropping skills on a lot of these, ha!
I finally came off of maternity leave at the beginning of January (I delayed it a bit because I ended up working more than I thought I would during maternity leave.) and now I’m already trying to figure out how I can scale back to spend more time with you, haha! One thing I didn’t think about with having a second baby is that I don’t get as much one on one baby time with you…which seems obvious but I just thought that when Leyton was napping I’d be having cuddle time with you but a lot of times your naps end up lining up so I don’t get to.
And in case you didn’t know, the days that we are all home together, your brother runs the show at this age. He’s 3 and VERY into having our attention of course so the slow times I had with him to cuddle as a baby I have to fight for with you. 😉 I’m now thinking I’ll start staying home to work one day a week while he’s at school so we can have a morning together.
Finn, you just keep getting more interactive and fun every month. You are starting to work on rolling from your back to your belly now and for the first time last week, held your bottle by yourself. You can’t quite feed yourself yet because you need us to tip it up or if you are at an incline in your car seat you can’t get the end but you are certainly getting there.
It’s so fun to watch you starting to see things you want and see you wildly grasp to try to get them and end up knocking them away or accidentally dropping it and then looking like, “Well, what the HECK?!” You love sitting up in your Boon high chair so you can see everything going on and you can’t stand to be down in the laying position anymore when we are all hanging out because you want to see everything. You crane your little neck and upper back up so hard!
You LOVE seeing yourself in the mirror and I love to put my chin on your tickle spot and watch you laugh. Those are some of my favorite games to play with you right now!
Your first Christmas was so fun to match you up with your brother in matching jammies and you’ve been such a trooper just going along with wherever we take you! You’ve been to the McWane Center twice this month and try so hard to stay awake but usually in the last 20 minutes fall asleep in the stroller.
We are excited for you to keep growing and showing us your budding personality. Some of my very favorite times are after you are done feeding, how you lay in my arms in the morning or at night especially in the dark and stare up at me and coo and talk and smile like I’m the only person in the world. I trace your chubby cheeks and just wonder at how God gifted me two beautiful blessings like you and your brother. You are loved to the moon and back sweet little boy.
Baby Milestones by Month: 5 Month Update
- Sleep: Moms on Call loosely followed still – we are a little all over the place this month between an ear infection (I just fed you every time while sick when you cried in the night) and then some mornings you slept from 11 pm till 10 am. This morning you got up around 1:00 am to feed and since Steele was in town I just fed you but we are also crying it out more.
- Eating: Every 4 hours except for night time – still BF’ing
- Strength: Rolling over now like a champ from belly to back and working on back to belly
- Loves: Bath time still, Cooing and talking to us, finding your voice, Magic Sleep Suit, Mommy tickling your tummy and neck and chest with my chin/hair kisses.
- Clothes: 6 months / 6-9 months outfits mostly, I LOVE your Goummi Kids CODE: HEATHER20, Kyte Baby and Gap penguin warm onesie best right now!
- Weight: 18 lbs 9 oz WOW! BIG BOY! You probably are 19 lbs by now!
- Nicknames: Baby Finn, Finnster, The Lizard
Baby Milestones By Month: Previous Posts
Baby Milestones By Month: Shop Finn’s Favorite Things This Month!
I get questions every day about Finn’s high chair, outfits, bottles, double stroller and more. I’ve linked all of it either here below in the widget or on this BABY & POSTPARTUM PICKS PAGE!