SHOP the Resistance Bands Workout Photos: Top // Leggings // Shoes // No Show Socks
It’s been awhile since I’ve shared a workout with y’all so today, I’m bringing the ultimate resistance band workout! When I was unpacking my Summer FabFitFun Box, I received resistance bands, which I was SO excited about because I knew I would be able to do some awesome at-home workouts with them! After seeing my unboxing, many of you asked how I would use them and what type of workouts I could do with them.
After talking with Matt, my personal trainer with HomeFit, we decided we would put together a quick and dirty resistance band workout for y’all to try at home too! In case you missed it, be sure to download my favorite workout playlist that will be the perfect background music during your workout 😉
Also, don’t forget that you can mention My Life Well Loved to get 20% off at Homefit. They offer virtual training if you aren’t local and it’s SUCH great accountability, especially for my mama’s! If you’re local or in areas they cover, it’s so great because they come to your house so I literally can workout with a trainer while Finn naps and Leyton plays with me.
Hopefully you’ve been following along with my Faster Way to Fat Loss journey either here on the blog or on Instagram and know by now that I do a mix of HomeFit Personal Training, Pure Barre, and Burn Bootcamp in my weekly workout rotation along with FWTFL eating habits.
When considering FWTFL, so many of you ask if you are required to do the workouts included in the program or if you can continue doing your favorite workouts that are already incorporated into your routine. The answer is you do you, girl! If you love CrossFit or running or yoga, you can easily substitute different workouts on different days. The workouts provided are simply a guide to follow, especially for those who are starting the program and do not have experience working out on a regular basis.
I even know some who ONLY do the nutrition portion of the program and skip the workouts all together and STILL see amazing results! If you are ready to join us, be sure to CLICK HERE to get in on the next round starting JULY 29TH!!!
Now before I get to the resistance band workout that I went through with Homefit I have to tell you something really cool they are doing! Make sure you plan to join the Patriot Ruck on 9/14 at 8 am. This fundraiser Ruck is in honor of our Nations military men and woman, Veterans, first responders and their families.
They are teaming up with Still Serving Veterans to raise money to help families in need and bring awareness to their sacrifice. I had no idea till Matt told me that 22 veterans commit suicide a day. That’s heart wrenching. I’m very hopeful that we as a community can support this event and show up and show out!
Where To Buy Resistance Bands
Looking to purchase resistance bands so you can do this workout at home too? Click any of the images below to shop these affordable options on Amazon Prime!
Resistance Bands Workout
For this workout, do 45 seconds of each move with 15 seconds of rest in between. Do the full workout 3x for completion! Thank you to Matt (@TrainThrive on IG) from Homefit for taking me through this workout!
1. Band Bent Over Row – 45 Seconds
Start with the band evenly positioned underneath one foot with your hands gripping most of the excess band. With one foot forward and your upper body bent over, keep your back straight and elbows positioned by your side. Pull upward, targeting your triceps and back.
2. Low Angle Face Pulls – 45 Seconds
Start with the band evenly positioned and wrapped around a sturdy structure. With your feet in a firm stance and your hands gripping the ends of the band, begin with your arms fully lengthened and straight. Pull upward and back until your elbows are fully bent.
3. Squats – 45 Seconds
Start with the band evenly positioned underneath one foot and bring the excess band up around the back of your shoulders and biceps, gripping the ends of the band. Think of this like a backpack! Keeping your arms in an overhead press position, squat down and be sure your knees are pointed outward and not passing your toes!
4. Hammer Curls – 45 Seconds
Start with the band evenly positioned underneath your feet with arms by your side, gripping the ends of the band. Keeping your elbows still, curl upward just like you would do with free weights.
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