Keep scrolling for tips on how to change your healthy lifestyle with Intermittent Fasting & supplements below! SHOP this photo HERE!
Hi friends! I had my FIRST repeat guest on the podcast – my chiropractor, Dr. John Palmer! Dr. John was my chiropractor when baby Finn was in my belly, and well – he just blew my brain wide open to the possibilities of all kinds of natural healthcare!
Dr. John likes to think of himself as a “human mechanic” because he fixes bodies the best he can. He does what he does so people are able to have a body to do whatever they choose to do with it. Below are a few of his tips for making the switch to a healthier lifestyle without getting burned out.
He is a huge believer in fixing the body naturally via intermittent fasting and supplements.
Intermittent Fasting And Supplements: Don’t Go For Perfection!
Deciding to live a healthier lifestyle often gets started with intense motivation. However, when you jump right in, you are almost guaranteed to burn out. The process will become exhausting and overwhelming, and you will lose motivation and happiness. This leads to nearly certain failure.
Therefore, don’t shoot for perfection right out of the gate — whether that’s with exercise, clean eating, trying intermittent fasting, or a new supplement routine. Start with small changes that only affect 1% of your life. After a while, those 1% changes will add up, and you won’t get burnt out along the way. If you have kids, this is especially important because it’s hard enough to change your lifestyle and find balance when you are also a parent. Dr. John teaches that there is betterment in small changes, and consistently having a template helps to drive these changes.
Intermittent Fasting And Supplements: Accept An Education
Dr. John strives to educate his patients so they may feel confident in their decisions outside of his office when it comes to intermittent fasting and supplements as well as other health topics. Over time his patients earn an education in their own healthcare from routine consultations with the doctor. You won’t be successful if you just do what your doctor says. It’s best to know WHY you are doing what you are doing. Being dependent on the doctor will not help you in the long run. Listen, learn, and ask questions so you can feel confident in your decisions.
You can achieve a healthy lifestyle with kids and a crazy busy life. It just takes tiny baby steps!
If you want to learn more about intermittent fasting and supplements, visit the podcast interview at!