How far along? 37 weeks pregnant! And as most of you have heard by now, we are in a NEW house! We are so excited about our move and excited to finally start feeling settled in. If you are a Birmingham local, make sure you check out Jamie Goff as a realtor. She worked tirelessly to help us find the perfect home and we are head over heels for our new house and neighborhood! In case you missed my last update, here’s my 36 week update.
House Update: Time to put in a new question in my weekly updates I guess, huh? The hubs and I got a GREAT deal on our furniture from the prior owner of our condo so we have never had to buy furniture before for a new home. The only thing we really bought in our old place was a bedroom suite which is now in our guest room at the new house. It’s really exciting to get to make a home with our taste and everything that we are choosing!
For the living room, we are waiting on our hammered metal end table and coffee table to get here as well as the rug I ordered.
My Storkland glider is set to arrive this week and we are hoping to put up our new West Elm yellow and white curtains for the nursery.
I’m SO excited that our Tuft and Needle bed got here this week and now we are just waiting on the sheets & our custom made tufted head board to get here so we can start sleeping on our new king bed. We can’t believe how much bigger it looks than the queen we’ve been sleeping on for the past (almost) 7 years! Stay tuned for more home updates…You can see a few sneak peek shots at some similar looks I’ve got in our home that I can’t wait to share with you guys! If you have any favorite places to shop for pillows, throws, rugs, and furniture that won’t break the bank, please let me know in the comments below?????
Maternity Clothes: Yes, and a few non-maternity stretchy waist-band maxi skirts or wide leg pants.
Stretch Marks: Still none, thanks to Basq!
Sleep: Getting harder and harder to sleep through the night and comfortably because I’m so anxious to move into our more comfortable looking and new king bed! 😉 Officially getting up every night now at least once to go potty so I consider that a success this late into pregnancy. I can’t believe I’ve made it this far without it being the regular to get up every night. It’s also hard to fall back asleep once the hubs gets up earlier than me to go to work.
Best moment this week: This is actually a bittersweet moment, but teaching my last Pure Barre class of pregnancy. It was so sweet to see all my loyal clients…there were flowers, a note from the PB staff, baby bites from Pastry Art and kind words that made me feel so loved! I am beyond blessed to be a part of something so much bigger than me that empowers women to look and feel their best.
Food cravings: The hubs is still treating me to Yo Yo blueberry donuts, ha!
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Gender: boy…Leyton Samuel
Symptoms: Sciatic nerve pain is back in full force. Leyton has officially “dropped” according to my weekly appointment at St. Vincent’s. I also get a burning sensation underneath my right rib sometimes that I’m told is probably still Braxton’s Hicks contractions. Swollen feet and ankles. Nothing terrible, but noticeable to the hubs and I. Hard to walk hills without getting winded.
Movement: All the time!
Belly Button in or out: Totally flat. Hope it stays that way!
Wedding Rings on or off: on, off at night, due to swelling. I’m afraid they’ll get stuck on!
Miss anything: Just feeling “capable” during workouts and comfortable.
Mood: Happy go lucky.
Baby is the size of: Baby is about as long as a stalk of swiss chard: more than 19″ long and weighs 6 1/2 lbs. It’s so wild seeing my friends having babies on Facebook that are due around my due date! Seeing their little 6 and 7 lb babies and realizing that’s how big Leyton is inside of me. No WONDER I’m uncomfortable. Ha.
Looking forward to: Leyton getting here! It’s so wild that I’m less than a month away from my due date! We prayed all throughout the pregnancy that with my bicorniate uterus, God would allow Leyton to not come too early (which can be caused by the bicorniate uterus). We feel very thankful he stayed in till after we moved and had our baby shower. I finally feel like if he came, we wouldn’t be totally unprepared and that he would be developed enough to be safer.
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Your home is beautiful! Congratulations! So many amazing things happening in your life right now! So, so happy for you guys!
Thanks so much, sweet Brandi! We are in the home stretch, can’t believe it! 🙂