Disclosure: Thanks to Balanced Body and Mom It Forward Blogger Network for sponsoring this post. Please remember all opinions are 100% my own. (affiliate links included)
I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that it’s really easy to find excuses not to work out. You’re too busy, you have young kids, your job is stressful, you don’t feel well, and the list goes on and on. However, I’m going to try to help you find ways to get in your workouts because even if you don’t want to, it will make you feel SO much better!
Being active has helped me personally to have a fit pregnancy, to heal more quickly after having baby, to work off stress, to have better overall health and to just feel good about myself. Truly, after I work out, my mind set, my stress level and my confidence sky rockets. It’s amazing what endorphins can do for you!
The hubs and I have lived a very busy lifestyle. We have worked multiple jobs, he has worked busy season as an accountant, gone back to school to become a nurse practitioner, juggled work and school at the same time, we’ve had a baby, moved, and are involved in our church, neighborhood, and many other activities. We could find excuses if we wanted to, but at the end of the day, I think this makes me somewhat of an expert on staying active with a busy schedule.
How to Workout Even on Your Busiest Days:
- Schedule your workouts. I look at the class schedule at Pure Barre and with my personal trainer (HomeFit) at the beginning of each week to put my workouts in my calendar. It helps to plan to be there. Not to mention, when HomeFit shows up at your door, it’s hard to say No, you just drove here for no reason.
- Get up early. I am NOT a morning person so I don’t do this often, however if I can’t fit it in any other time I have been known to get up before work and hit up a 6 am class.
- Go during your “break.” For some of you that will mean a lunch time workout, for some of you it will mean using your baby’s nap time. At my old job, we only had a 30 minute lunch, so I would bring my shoes and a change of clothes and throw them on as fast as I could and go run/walk around the office building and surrounding blocks for 20 minutes if it was my only opportunity.
- Something is better than nothing. Some nights I’m too tired to really get it in so I’ll make a compromise with myself that I just have to do 20 pushups, 20 sit ups and a 90 second plank. However, usually once I start moving, I feel more motivated and want to continue. Plus, Leyton thinks I’m playing with him so I get motivated to stay in it to be a better mommy for him and a better wife for the hubs by taking care of momma.
- Grab a friend! Having a workout accountability partner is huge. Just a few weeks ago, I randomly Facebook messaged a girl that lives a few houses down from me and asked if she wanted to walk the next day, and guess what? She did! I strapped Leyton in the stroller and off we went! Don’t be afraid to ask. The other person may be glad you did!
- Get some cute workout gear! I’m not going to lie, when I get to put on my sassy-backed beyond yoga sports bra & my owl be sweatin’ headband, I feel a little more motivated to get my rear in gear. Plus, then I can justify those cute purchases later when I want more, ha!
For many of us, at home workouts are what we end up doing because the time isn’t there and that’s great! You have to do what works for you. Here’s some of my favorite at home workouts to try:
MOTR: It is a complete home gym in a 43” cylinder that won’t break the bank or take up much space. It’s the home gym system I’m using in the pictures in this post. You can improve your strength, balance, agility, sports conditioning and cardio. MOTR provides a quick, complete workout in almost any room in the house. I love how budget-friendly MOTR is for busy moms like me, who want to squeeze in a quick workout but don’t want to go the gym. Since all the components are stored in the core of the MOTR roller, it takes up very little room and can easily be tucked away in a closet.
MOTR comes with a DVD with two workouts, and flash cards that let you mix and match exercises depending on what you’d like to work on that day. You can target:
- Core Integration
- Balance
- Agility Training
- Upper Body
- Lower Body
In fact, I’m giving away a MOTR by Balance Body at the end of this post, so make sure you ENTER TO WIN!
I also use lots of Youtube videos like Tone It Up & Fitness Blender’s channels, my Pinterest fitness board, and getting inspiration from some of the Instagram fitness people I follow. There are SO many ways to get active even if you’re busy, so don’t give up babes!
I have teamed up with MOTR by Balanced Body to giveaway one of their home gyms complete with the workout cards and DVD. To enter to win, just follow me via email and comment below with the email you used to join my email list as well as one healthy thing you are doing for YOU today!

I hope there’s another boot camp soon. That was fun! Also I’m always up for a stroll 🙂 my neighbor and I got a 3 mile run in at 5 this morning. #workingparent am I supposed to put my email in the comment too? Hopefully not!
Love this! subscribed with thevintagemodernwife at gmail! One thing I’m doing today is clean eating. We made a delicious breakfast this morning and it was so nice to feel energized from my breakfast instead of weighed down!
Going for a long walk on this beautiful day!
I am heading outside to walk around the block! truckredford(at)gmail(Dot)com
Jessicakime at gmail.
I took my kiddos on a long walk/run this morning!
Signed up with britneycarolyn@gmail & I went for a jog with my baby in the stroller while chasing my 4 year old driving his hot wheel car ?
Signed up with my email abbeymasters@gmail.com. I’ve been bringing music and doing workouts outside in the cool weather while my 2 boys play!
I ate a salad with dinner ??
I need the home gym to get back in shape after baby!!!!
I fit in a workout between school drop off and a job!
Smart lady! Love it 🙂
Signed up at sarah.pillsbury@gmail.com !! I have been trying to get extra veggies in my diet with a green smoothie in the mornings!
Love it Sarah! I love throwing in some spinach. 🙂 Good to hear from you and good luck!
Tonight I made green smoothie pops with my son. I love that I can sneak a few green veggies in his “treats”! kinsaul at gmail dot com
Oh, yes, that’s so smart! Leyton loves smoothies too so I’m trying to start doing more of that with him. Thanks for your comment and good luck!
Koehler1011@msn.com. I did Platform today at Pure Barre! Headed to PB in the gardens tomorrow night!
Yay, Christie! You sparkle sisters are slaying! Hate I didn’t get to talk to you tonight at the gardens PB event, had to duck out to Bible study. xo
somehow I don’t get your blog emailed to me?? How did that happen? Everett and I went for a 2.5 mile run! I am now subscribed! arobison@sevenrivers.org
Get it, that’s awesome! I love that Leyton loves riding in the stroller…hoping it lasts for a long time!! 🙂
pineapplegrl@hotmail.com Breastfeeding twins is my workout right now! :p I’ve got a few more weeks until I can really get back to working out! I’m so ready! It’s been too long! I did recently buy an Arctic tumbler (like a Yeti) and it helps me drink waaaayyy more water than I use to! I probably refill that 20oz cup 6 times a day and it stays so cold!
That is a HUGE undertaking of a workout. I can’t imagine it with twins, so incredibly proud of you!!! Yes, I love those! I have a similar cup and think it’s so fab!
I did boot camp this morning but more importantly a really healthy thing I did for me today was have some time doing something with a friend this evening!! I think I signed up for emails correctly!
Hey Gina! Get it, I’m sure you killed it at boot camp. Thanks for signing up and I appreciate your comment so much! 🙂 Happy Friday!
Such great tips. I really need to start rehung with Leighton at home!
I signed up with elisabethbrightbill@gmail. And I’m grabbing my Fiance and going to the gym on our lunch break for a quick work out before dance lessons tonight!!!
Oh how fun! We did dance lessons not long after we got married and had so much fun!
Hi! This looks like a great workout! I registered with lauriestephenson13@gmail.com. one thing I’m doing today to stay healthy and on plan is making a good lunch choice because I didn’t have time to make my lunch this morning before work! Xoxo
That’s always hard but there are so many good options now even at places like Taco Bell! Really cool to see how restaurants are changing their options. Thanks, Laurie!
Going for a walk/run on this beautiful day!
Perfect day for it, Merrill!
So I try to eat well every day but thus 4th kid has kinda done me in! Try to get in an early morning (like 5am) jog a few days each week though!
Emcarmichael 82 at gmail dot com
That would make it really hard for SURE! And 5 am…wow, that’s some dedication. Get it, momma!
Today I’m making healthy recipes to eat all week long.
Get it, Annette! That’s such a good plan of action. 🙂
I make sure to drink lots of water every day! andreaunke@yahoo.com
I am going to my Pure Barre class tonight!
I went to an Orange Theory Fitness class today!!??
Doing my best to get enough sleep, not always easy!
rusthawk at gmail dot com
Love this! I need some ideas and inspiration to keep motivated to workout on busy days. You photos made me smile! Thanks for sharing!
Hey Heather! I’ve been following you for a while on Instagram, but this is my first time on your blog – perfect post for me! I’m registered with Alicia.m.mccormick83@gmail.com now though, so I’ll be back as often as I can! ? I work full time outside of the home and my baby girl is 10 months old, so it’s definitely hard to find time to workout. I just started taking a short run at lunchtime though, so hopefully I can stick it out through the winter. ❄️ Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity!
Hey Alicia, that makes me so happy to hear! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. 🙂 Love that our babies are so close in age…it’s SO much fun! Good for you for doing your short run, we all have to start somewhere and running isn’t easy! Appreciate you being here!
I joined with juliemcmakin@yahoo.com. I just finished Whole30!
I need this! I am trying to eat healthier and be more active. We have been taking evening walks around the neighborhood. stacieo@charter.net 🙂
I need this little gym! There are so many times that I can’t make it to the gym and need something that is easy/mindless. PS your little one is adorable!
I’m walking on lunch breaks!
I joined with seschmidt01@gmail.com. I’m going to go to a Zengo class tonight after work!
This is awesome and would be so very helpful. Along with managing a home, two jobs and college for nursing it’s safe to say that busy is my middle name. I have kind of gotten out of the habit of exercise and it shows tremendously. I would absolutely love this. I have been subscribed- same email as I am logged in with! 🙂
Tuberoseabsolute at Gmail dot com
I am trying to reduce sugar and control my stress.
ksbt1819 at gmail
Started my morning with yoga
And eat healthy!! Expect for half of a amazing Italian chocolate bar.
And half way to drinking my water intake!!
Love this workout stuff, thanks for sharing this one.
Lovely and amazing , Thanks for sharing with us.
Thanks for sharing about How to Workout Even on Your Busiest Days. Being a mom its very difficult to maintain own body, a kind of busy schedule always with kid . Love these ideas with us.