SHOP THE ADIDAS TANK – Great Non-Maternity option you can wear while pregnant! Mesh Leggings // Basic Black Legging // Nike Tank // Nursing Sports Bra
SHOP: Maternity Workout Tank (Similar Amazon Prime Find)
A frequently asked question I am hearing on repeat right now is WHERE to find bump-friendly or maternity workout clothes. If you are like me then you really try to avoid buying a lot of “maternity” labeled items because you are more limited on wearing after baby. However, with a growing bump and my consistent Pure Barre teaching schedule, sometimes maternity items are necessary!
If you have been following me on Instagram for long, you will not be surprised to know that my Old Navy shorts, my Beyond Yoga leggings and my Adidas tank are on this best maternity workout clothes list. You can shop all these below in the widget by clicking the photo. Sadly during the July 4th sale, my Old Navy shorts sold out but you can find more similar ones here on sale! I also love my Zella leggings to sit below the bump and have recently gotten new Kindred Bravely yoga pants for Pure Barre. I’ll share some of these on stories soon if you’d like!
With all the questions regarding bump-friendly activewear, I decided it would be best for me to go ahead and share ALL my favorite activewear items that will fit the bump! If you are pregnant and looking for tips to staying active throughout your pregnancy and ways to modify exercises, be sure to check out this post! I also recently did a fit pregnancy Q&A that you can checkout here!
What is your favorite brand for maternity/bump-friendly activewear? I would love to add to my list!
Shop Best Maternity Workout Clothes below by clicking the photo and note some are NOT maternity so you can wear them afterwards too!