How far along? 39 weeks pregnant…40 weeks tomorrow and thus my due date: 8/31! So, here’s my last picture while pregnant…outside of church this morning. That basketball of a stomach of mine is ready for Leyton be out and about so we can meet our little man. And in case you missed the 38 week bumpdate, make sure to check it out!
House Update: We got the last decorative pieces for above the changing table at Hobby Lobby and hung them up.
We are in full on sprint mode to try to get our master bedroom bedding figured out. I know that since my due date is tomorrow, it will be hard after that to get as much done as we cram into each day right now. THANKS to those of you on Instagram who weighed in with some great ideas. We decided the rug we got for the living room is too small, so we are moving it to the bedroom. We found some new pillows and a rug for the living room from Target today and can’t believe what a world of difference it has made already!
We were super excited that our IO Metro coffee table and matching metal side table got in and we were able to pick those up. The hubs and I made a fun night out of getting those items and then walking over to an outdoor patio to enjoy apps and drinks while we listened to some live music.
Maternity Clothes:Â Yes, and a few non-maternity stretchy waist-band maxi skirts or wide leg pants.
Stretch Marks: Still none, thanks to Basq!
Sleep: It’s impossible to sleep comfortably through the night. I’m officially getting up every night now at least once or twice to go potty. I can’t believe I’ve made it this far without it being the regular to get up every night. It’s also hard to fall back asleep once the hubs gets up earlier than me to go to work.
Best moment this week: This weekend, we have really maxed out as much as we can to enjoy our last weekend together as a family of two. I had the day off Friday…super bittersweet to leave the eMeals office after 6 years. I slept in, went to a Pure Barre class, got a pedicure, enjoyed a smoothie for lunch, and then met up with the hubs at our neighborhood pool with our neighbors to enjoy the last bit of sunlight and the sunset.
Then Saturday, we woke up, worked on some home projects and met some friends and their kiddo’s at the pool. Eric and I then enjoyed some chill time at home before heading out for a walk to hopefully help Leyton out with the whole getting ready for birth process. Afterwards, we did a little more home shopping before coming home to get ready for our last date night out.
Eric treated me to an amazing meal at J. Alexander’s. We had such a fabulous time and talked about all the fabulous memories, trips, and things we’ve shared in our almost 7 years of marriage. (Our anniversary is coming up soon-September 6th!) We are so grateful for all that the Lord has blessed us with and can’t get over all the major life changes that have happened in the past few years! Between roles at our jobs, him quitting as an accountant and going back to school to become a nurse practitioner, studying for boards, working night shifts, moving, getting pregnant, and now trying to rent our condo, it has been a whirlwind few years to say the least, but there’s no one I’d rather do this journey with!
Food cravings: Nothing major this week but the chocolate cake at J. Alexander’s sure did hit the spot!
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Gender: boy…Leyton Samuel
Symptoms: Sciatic nerve pain still. Some back pain. Going to the bathrooom a lot. Feeling like I’m walking around with an 8 lb+ bowling ball weighing me down…you know, the usual-
Movement:Â Leyton loves to do what we call the booty pop. He loves moving his booty more than anything else all up against my upper right hand side it seems.
Belly Button in or out: Totally flat still.
Wedding Rings on or off:Â Still off, just in case of swelling.
Miss anything:Â Feeling like I can move without restriction, more quickly and having my stomach back. I miss walking fast though Target to get stuff handled, spin classes, tennis, and runs. I just feel so slow and lethargic in everything I do!
Mood: Good but anxious about child birth and figuring everything out after!
Baby is the size of:Â Baby weights as much as a mini watermelon…holy cow, I believe it! Average height is about 20 inches and a bit over 7 lbs. But after last week, I shared they are showing Leyton may be a bit bigger and as such I’ll be induced soon. We are meeting our little man this week, stay tuned!
Looking forward to:Â Holding Leyton for the first time!
Want to know what’s packed in my hospital bag?! CHECK OUT THAT POST HERE.

Still looking so beautiful! This time tomorrow, I bet you will be holding Leyton in your arms. 🙂
You are looking gorgeous, as always! So excited for you!!!