How far along? 30 weeks pregnant and the baby is 15.7 inches long from head to heel. In case you missed my last update, here’s my 29 week update. And please excuse my no makeup beach look here! Tons of you have expressed interest in my hat via social media, so if you want your own airport code hat, shop it HERE at Aviate Brand.
Maternity clothes? Maternity clothes pretty much exclusively.
Stretch marks? No.
Other Body Changes:Â The line is here:Â linea nigra. So weird.
Sleep:Â I have woken up with what feels like hot flashes in the middle of the night the past two nights. I have to pull my hair back and have a really hard time cooling down. I hope this goes away soon. Although, I don’t wake up every night to go to the bathroom, some nights I wake up twice to do so.
Best moment this week:  We just got back from an amazing trip to San Destin. Eric had a last minute work conference that he went to there and it worked out great that I got to go with him. I had mentioned wanting to get to the Gulf just us two before baby so it felt like a little blessing God sent our way. 🙂
Gender: boy…Leyton Samuel.
Symptoms:Â Eric saw the baby move across my belly for the first time in bed the other night and that was pretty cool. Having more Braxton’s Hicks contractions.
I have seen a different doctor each time I go in now to get to know other doctor’s in the practice at St. Vincent’s with Dr. Christine. My last visit slightly scared me because what he focused on was my bicorniate uterus causing baby to come early. He said that since Leyton is now around 3 lbs, he could decide at any time that half a uterus isn’t big enough for him to grow anymore sending me into contractions and early labor. Although Leyton would be fine, his lungs are not fully developed yet and he’d have to spend some time in NICU. While we trust God’s timing, we’d also love to get to move into a new house and have his nursery set up as well as get to my baby shower at the end of July. Please pray for Leyton to stay in as long as possible so his little lungs can develop more.
Wedding rings on or off? OnÂ
Mood: Trying not to freak about Leyton’s possibility of coming early 😉
Looking forward to:Â Celebrating Eric’s 30th birthday tonight! Happy birthday, babe, I love you!

What a neet post- kind of a baby journal right? If you are [appears] in the Birmingham Al area and the St Vincent’s you refer to is there…I have a wonderful NURSE Neice in NICU Mandy Harrison Johns
Ok, the getting hot at night…2 tips:
1) Turn the AUTO feature on your AC OFF. That way it will run continuously all night!
2) Purchase some BAMBOO sheets. They claim that they keep you 3 degrees cooler. Since I have bought these sheets, I have stayed cool at night!
It’s been 2 weeks since I changed both these things at night, and I have not been hot once!! Hope this helps!!! I am going to email you about what the doctor said…that has peaked my curiosity! Hope you are feeling great. You sure do look awesome!! xoxo