Week 14
Week 16
Thank you all so much for your excitement about our new bundle of joy on the way! If you missed the big announcement, you can read it here. My goal is to share a little bit about my pregnancy each week so I can look back on this special time and remember each moment. I hope each of you enjoy the journey with me.
How far along? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain: 6 pounds…..this may be the only time I answer this question. 😉
Maternity clothes? Not yet! But I did order some clothes off of Pink Blush that should arrive later this week.
Stretch marks? No, but I have started using lotion each night as I keep watching my baby belly expand. Any lotion, cream or oil recommendations? I’ve heard good things about Basq and hope to try it out soon!
Sleep:Â IÂ was waking up early every morning to have to go to the bathroom but now that’s subsided for a bit. Having very vidid dreams. I just seem to toss and turn a little more now.
Best moment this week:Â Â Finally figuring out what to do about our stroller and car set…stay tuned for the details!
Movement:Â No
Food cravings:Â Watermelon, Honey Goat Cheese, Dreamland Style Banana Pudding, lots of water!
Anything making you queasy or sick:Â No-the thought of drinking hot coffee early on did so I switched to half Diet Coke, half regular. I don’t remember the last time I drank so many cokes!
Gender:Â Boy!
Labor Signs:Â No
Symptoms: Tired some, less often than first trimester, but it’s still there. Some nerve pain. Potty breaks a lot.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood:Â Excited
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Looking forward to:Â Â Baby’s first visit overseas next month

I have no reccs on stretch mark cream, Ive always just used a thick body butter or good old palmers. I never got stretch marks with either of my pregnancies, but I dont know if its from the cream, or good genes. (I read that stretch marks are a total genetics thing!)
But on a side note, you have the cutest baby bump! good luck with the sleep, I know the feeling well!
You know how excited we are!! You look beautiful and I’m glad you are sleeping better 🙂
I have used Mama Mio Tummy Rub Oil during my first pregnancy with no stretch marks. I am currently 39 weeks with my second baby and have been using it again twice a day since 15 weeks and I still don’t have any stretch marks. The oil smells sooo good! I just wish I would have used it on my hips and boobs throughout my pregnancies because I have some stretch marks there. I know that stretch marks are genetic but my mom and sister have a ton of stretch marks and I don’t have any.
I’m so glad you told me that! Thank you so much for sharing the advice. I’ll need to make sure to apply it other places than just my stomach then too. Have a great day and thanks again for possibly saving me some stretch marks. 😉