SHOP The Valentine’s Day Letter To My Wife Post HERE: Dress – fits TTS wearing szie small // Earrings // Fave Lip // Similar Eric’s Pullover // Eric’s Shoes // Eric’s Pants
Photos by Magen Davis Photography
Happy Valentine’s Day week friends! I am so excited that after Eric’s guest post last year, he agreed to come back again this year!
When I was reading his version of our engagement story, I was reminiscing and laughing to myself. In the beginning of our relationship, I remember him telling me that he thought that Valentine’s Day was just a Hallmark holiday, and that people go completely overboard. He told me that his mentality, which he learned from his parents, was that he should make me feel special all throughout the year. Not just on Valentine’s Day. For instance, if something happened or if I had a bad week, he would surprise me with flowers, versus just buying me flowers or chocolates on Valentine’s Day.

At that point in our relationship, we talked a lot about how I understood where he was coming from, but to me, it was important and so he has graciously said that since it’s important to me, that makes it important to him.
Now, typically on Valentine’s Day, he will get me flowers and or we’ll have our normal date night a few weeks before or after Valentine’s Day to get out together. Y’all know how much we love our date nights!
I asked Eric specifically to share about our proposal because I think it’s really cool to hear it from his perspective. Plus, it’s something that I know you guys have been wanting to hear for a while.
And with that, I’ll let Eric take it away…
A Valentine’s Day Letter To My Wife:
When it comes to Valentine’s Day I feel like there are two types of people…the everyday thoughtful, caring and flowers and candy type person and me…the Grand gesture type person. In all honesty, Heather and I do keep it pretty low key on Valentine’s Day, typically opting to go on a date a few weeks before or after Valentine’s Day to avoid all the crazy crowds. With that said I truly do enjoy a Grand gesture now and again and Heather asked me to share one of my Grandest gestures of them all…our engagement story.
Like all good grand gesture stories, it begins with a scrap book…yes a scrap book. Being a young college kid at Samford University there is a lot of pressure when it comes to engagement stories. With nearly 60% of females at Samford belonging to a sorority that means a lot of “White Candle Ceremonies”. What is a white candle ceremony you may ask…it is when girls attempt to one up each other with the engagement stories they tell their fellow sisters. Well truth be told, this same pressure is then transferred to all males vying to provide the best possible engagement story ever told.

But I digress, Heather and my story began with the grand idea of a scrap book. Almost immediately after I knew I wanted to ask Heather to marry me, I knew I wanted to do it in Spain as I would be traveling abroad the end of my Junior year. As such, I proceed to meticulously put together a scrap book of photos, letters and other items from our relationship together with the last page being a map of Spain with an airline ticket taped to the back of the page.
I spent the first nine weeks in Spain finishing my minor in Spanish and flew Heather over for an additional week with the plan to pop the question. Needless to say I was a little hesitant that Heather would make it to Spain as it was her first time to fly alone, let alone fly internationally. Thankfully there were no issues and she made it with no problems.
The day of the engagement, I decided to wear a tie, which should have been red flag to Heather that something was up, but I believe I told her we were going to a nice restaurant which required a tie. Well that day, we walked around the Prado museum and shortly thereafter decided to walk through the Madrid botanical gardens. Fortunately my best friends parents were staying in Spain at the same time and were gracious enough to take pictures of the engagement. After walking around what seemed like forever in 95 degree heat, we sat down by a well in the middle of the gardens and proceeded to ask Heather to marry me.

Looking back this could have been a risky move because any answer other than yes would have made for a long rest of the vacation and an even longer flight home. Thankfully she said yes and we proceeded to enjoy the rest of our time in Spain, well mostly. One inside joke, Heather and I had throughout dating was that if she ever got physically sick in front of me, would have to stop dating immediately. Well of course, the day we are leaving Spain, Heather proceeds to get on the Metro on another sweltering day and of course proceeds to get sick. Thankfully we are still together and going strong after twelve years. How is that for a “White Candle Story”?! (Wink.)

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